a plain poem

    i don't want this poem to say too much.
    a nice surface poem is all i need.
    but i so usually blather about work,
    state of amerika
    with government like a zoo of animals
    of hate transpiring beneath mimosa breath
    like shadow is light & creature'd words
    are truth. whether saturation occurs
    beyond the scope of evil i doubt. it's
    a final straw, the kick in the ass, an
    ace. meantime purity isn't even questioned
    as the source. that's shit.
    i'm a sunk prophet, now, adorned
    by a skin of dirt, crab-grass hair
    on my knuckles.
    a cultural monkey.
    like amerikan monkeys,
    voters & tax-payers.
    strata of society shifted
    low as poets,
    down here.

    stupid, loud guys

    downstairs, they're screaming.
    maybe playing sock-football over
    the furniture. it's late sunday night.

    i am not a serial killer.
    i think of a gun. i envision
    a silver revolver & i grasp it.

    move like
    clear syrup
    down the stairs,

    roll around
    a corner,
    peek thru

    edge of a
    there's that

    & that fuck,
    & i fire two silencer shots

    thru flimsy screen.
    i roll back upstairs,
    unenvision the silver gun,

    & write

    exact truth

    if there is something absolutely
    relevant in the air of words i'd

    be saying it.
    but listen, listen to that

    far-off cricket
    of time. silence

    will one day
    be sold like bread.


    i cld change from gray
    jogging-pants, put my jeans
    on, & a shirt, socks, shoes.

    splash cold water
    on my face,
    maybe add eye-drops.

    pocket my wallet with a least,
    i'm positive, one twenty,
    & pocket my new cell-phone,

    head out the door
    down the steps
    to the car in the misty rain,

    pre-dawn. locust of street-light hum,
    & wet dripping, a xylophone of rain-
    drops. my belly is growling.

    pano's is open on 38th street.
    the baltic-speaking waitresses
    won't even look up when i order.

    a big breakfast.
    scrambled eggs.
    wheat toast.

    gravy for the home-fries.
    bacon, sausage, coffee, yes.
    i'll have 35 cent'd it for

    a morning erie times newspaper,
    so it wld be wise
    to remember to pocket my glasses too.

    well, it's a little too early
    for the morning edition.
    & do i really want to be alone

    in the pre-dawn rain
    with a savage cholesterol breakfast
    & a very stoned head?

    there's bread in the refrigerator.
    i cld just toast
    toast, stay shirtless,

    meditate upon
    the internet world
    of this particular poem

    with the near
    immediacy of a


    caught me
    this naked.

    right on the money

    i suppose some men & some women
    have a clear grasp on the meanings

    of other men, of other women.
    communication tends to be so superficial,

    blather between speaking word-creatures.
    6-foot mammalian birds with a lot

    of song to sing
    for whatever impulse drives people

    to spike inane talk into the holy
    cross of silence, it's usually for money,

    or power.
    that's about all there is to say.

    that's the way
    it is.

    6-foot mammalian birds
    masturbating wildly, daily, hourly,

    every waking
    & sleeping moment.

    we have poetry.

    today & for eternity

    here we are
    writing lives with keyboards on fire
    writing unique intrusion reality over

    internet advertising &
    porno webcams.
    if twenty people read this poem

    that's almost
    too many. the underground
    on something so public like the world

    wide web
    is alive &
    nobody cares, it's still the old days!

    it's still bart
    coming all weeded
    with a case of beer,

    & he's bringing
    his guitar,
    & twenty years have passed, bart,

    twenty years.
    friends have
    slipped from our arms like

    pastel-colored feathers,
    the stink of death
    & brash physicality

    is over-
    but for prayers of pot.

    you pray.
    look, imagine a
    statue of the virgin mary

    just an outline of

    of moon-rock
    & our slow gravity
    dance in black space.

    semi highway

    we haven't done a long road-trip
    in months. the car is not as reliable
    anymore. something has to be done,

    but we're not sure what.
    buying a car in amerika
    is like buying a baby python snake

    in rural india in 1892
    while a young girl suckles on yr penis
    mars is a different star in the eastern sky.

    i want a tank.
    a tank with a cd-player
    & a place for cell-phones.

    i want to be armed with heat-seeking missiles
    & the authority to fire on suv-driving
    amerikan citizens.

    cars in amerika
    the money we pour into cars

    we cld send
    a poet
    to the moon for a years,

    to a well-stocked
    complete with every human luxury.

    a semi down west grandview sounds like
    robert stack
    reading this poem.

    hollow earth

    i get like this sometimes.
    abrupt.   impatient.   sad.

    imperative i write
    a poem, all else in life is

    not as significant to my
    well-being -- well, except

    for ann
    & those i love, they are

    vital. & so is this
    poem, this enigma of

    focus & freedom
    lost in a country

    you. amerika only listens

    to entertainment

    & who the holy fuck
    are they.

    how many of us have
    left, have turned away,

    have stopped

    there becomes a
    futile point i reach

    when i must

    when so few
    hear or

    care. you
    are in the same boat

    & i assume you
    too go nuts at times.

    what remains
    of us for those alive

    is dust
    some fuck might make money off of --

    get yr dead poet's dust

    the world is turning around

    the world is turning around
    & what we thought was the worst we lived

    is the best of times. anxiety initiates
    honor: perspective is everything.

    what we considered evil, what provoked
    the amerikan public, tumbles from a

    zillion monitors now
    & nobody is talking about love.

    when peace is mentioned
    it's compromise -- a middle agreement.

    i hate fucking idiotic democracy.
    the snakes snake thru so easily & the brash

    back-stabbers hoot like hog-farmers
    drinking beer in a bloody barn. either

    them, or clean-nail'd upper executives
    who stiffen their slaughtered souls with fine

    scotch & blindly
    create the world of business

    which is the world of AMERIKA.
    has it really sunk in

    father bush -- cia & prez,
    son bush -- texas & prez,

    has it really
    sunk in -- & who cares with life

    reduced to

    i thunk a thought

    i thunk a thought
    & it was a good thought.
    best thought i ever had,
    winged, a hawk of a
    thought. thunk it

    with perfect zen transitory logic
    with duality doubled & tripled & divided
    with opposites attracting like june-bugs
    like black suns & translucent suns.
    i thunk a good thoughtful thought.


    thinking about me in my boyhood room
    in ellport pennsylvania. young teen,
    late 1960's. hadn't smoked pot yet.

    hadn't gobbled a palmful of mini-whites
    or eaten that purple haze on the shore of a
    creek with guys like regis, packy,

    junior, vic, ed, it was early afternoon
    i know, saturday -- we probably planned
    a baseball game at the field --

    i think we had our gloves with us
    slapped on the various rocks around
    the room-size sandy beach

    under giant oaks
    under circling chicken-hawks
    & operatic crows

    the purple haze
    we had beer too i remember
    i remember sitting on a boulder

    feeling buzzy like a fly.
    packy became a sort of frog-like
    human thing who glowed blue, yellow,

    all purple the water rolled like paper.
    sat there feeling fly-like &

    next thing i realize
    i'm here
    now -- decades later. hendrix

    is the last name of ann's
    younger sister & amerika
    is a nightmare of social mutation.

    existence on the surface
    of a spinning, microcosmic world
    under old, green trees

    in whatever age
    the mind

    of a bird
    in bird-cage skull

    i am more
    than any homosexual poet

    i am
    moving from this boulder where i

    hunch, all paunches,
    i'm a giant,
    furry, buzzy fly in fake, pastel daylight.


    i think i remember my name, my face,
    my self. yes. not opening my eyes
    i realize i am prone in our bed

    & it is dark. crack eye, 5 a.m.,
    & i definitely attest
    to a barrage of clear bottles

    of newcastle brown ale:
    i breathe the ale from
    5 hours ago, & the cheese

    & anchovie pizza,
    the sex-site surfing
    & stumbling, too drunk at midnight.

    look at all the poems
    surfacing this morning.

    is soberness
    a goddamn
    dam? shld it all be continuously

    dam --
    dam the virus
    of amerikan plenty,

    turn away,
    rise all damaged &

    sore & stupid,
    & compose amerikan versification.

    just move the fingers
    those zombie-moving

    gulp coffee.
    gulp water.
    gulp medicinal smoke.

    & buddy,
    glorious, unfettered poems.

    recovers, & we

    do it
    & again,

    of hangovers
    & poems.

    for jesus

    he's the son of god.
    he is being crucified,

    hung on a cross
    to die & spend the final moments

    of life on the surface
    of planet earth

    in horror.
    from the softness of mother

    to intense pain
    & injustice, that's

    the flash
    he sees of life,

    & it is
    existential terror,

    tho the loss
    of so much

    makes the mind airy,

    he hallucinates
    & it is what

    we now know as this.
    this is his altered nightmare.

    amerika, gentle power.
    gross roman soldiers

    rape & pillage
    the world. christians

    & hypocrisy
    are twins.

    thinking about
    jesus christ, son of god,

    two thousand years
    ago in the middle east,

    hanging, crucified
    on a cross on a hill

    under the sky
    under the cruel conditions

    of humanity
    & the masses of primitive citizens.

    humans slaughter humans.
    the basis of religion is a stark

    jesus was a man.

    one of the
    trillions slaughtered

    over the course
    of human history,

    & there will be more,
    even the devil's son

    we will

    the bloody runny trickle

    the bloody runny trickle
    of menstruation i imagine

    first considering
    asking ann

    how is the bloody
    runny trickle of menstruation coming?

    like a spring brook in the woods,

    but blood instead of water,
    deep valve-leak of blood at the bottom

    of ann's
    female insides, the flesh

    like couple inch-thick pork-meat
    over bones, over skull &

    luckystone bones of toes & fingers,
    woman. what leaks

    is moon

    red rain

    a skeleton stands
    in the center of a small field.

    it isn't night, nor november,
    but it is beginning to rain. bones

    sound like tingles of wind-chimes
    & the skull is a flipped ceramic cup.

    jaws are not yet working
    into words or screams. empty eye-sockets

    neither see nor are seen beyond emptiness.
    bone & rain equals skin,

    rain splatters in pools until eyes grow

    like dough-balls &
    goo of bottom becomes a tongue; first,

    black-green mold, then tongue.
    inside the bowl of skull waters slosh

    & slowly

    get well poem (for bill)

    one man's body is
    sleek & fortified, he is
    the picture of health in the 21st century.

    he's a fucking asshole.
    it's like the logic of the argument
    to jail dope-smokers:

    a middle-aged wife in iowa
    is slipping poison into her husband's
    coffee every day now -- he is confused

    why his teeth are
    all yellowing &
    loosening. neither smoke marijuana.

    president bush the second
    lacks the concept of surreality.
    an elephant ear flaps out of his open mouth

    like a huge thin gray tongue.
    reality is never tenuous
    for the president of the united states of

    amerika. dossiers on the liver, spleen,
    cock. periodic checkings
    of blood & teeth: the most pampered

    human being
    on the planet
    earth. i guess we aren't

    i thought we were gods.

    the lowliest of poets...

    & coughing,
    general disorientation.

    satan wears a halo & it's

    fact we are spinning on a spinning
    orb spinning around a spinning sun
    spinning thru a spinning galaxy
    spinning across mega-lightyear distances
    spinning like we do
    with nothing, ever, nailed down
    especially not mentally
    first thinking this,
    then that,
    & multitudes of other thoughts
    inside an orb-like skull

    let us be misty,
    maybe ghostly -- curling
    columns of smoke,
    quantum metaphysics
    in eye
    of hubble telescope,
    the hurricane clouds
    & zoom
    & the nose
    of the statue
    of liberty
    earthling amerikans
    spinning religion & death
    spinning physics & favorite movies
    of demons & blood
    flapping film-projecter end of now
    in firelight
    in a large stone circle room
    where minds hover

    headaches (for norman)

    i say no he says ah dad what kinda crap is that

    then he farts a famous douglas fart so i'm

    gagging getting the car-windows down for fresh

    smog afternoon traffic air stopped at a light

    at peach street & liberty avenue.

    he's nearly 16. i look at him & i think

    of my father, my grandfather, the line

    of androla men thru time on the surface of

    planet earth. doug doesn't give a flying fuck

    if i get angry as long as he gets his way.

    he approaches me with arguments --

    an argument stance,

    when, hell, if he'd just

    chill, bop, groove,

    it'd be fine; but i got a

    headache, my blood pressure is maybe

    two thousand over three thousand.

    he lets go his gaseous explosions

    & laughs as i choke

    getting the car-windows down like i sd

    in three o'clock city traffic

    on an 80 degree day in erie.

    these kids today -- no concept of


    no concept of galactic


    of timelessness,

    of starlight tension.

    the new generation

    is even worse than my generation

    & yr generation, & all generations


    amerika is fucked, period & unequivocally.

    subjex of riting

    a possible passion violates
    reason from safe realms slicing along genital
    veins how vast a man feels is paramount to his
    (or her) experience of time between first
    breath & last breath: fuzzy hallucinations

    all pussy & blow-jobs & cum
    when the mind in the skull isn't squared
    in a cell of sanity in the real world,
    but freed, no human logic matters,
    no consciousness is relevant.

    men (& women),
    see glories of cunt close-up
    smelling of gardenia & the dew of night,
    as they moan dying.

    gusting wind, slaps of rain

    & car-engines starting below
    in the black parkinglot.
    silly, i thought about
    going out for breakfast?
    it is nearing a respectable time
    i can softly awaken ann.
    snuggle her from sleep.
    smooth dream into my voice, my kiss.

    i'll say
    i love you

    she will groan
    groan, then think,

    she'll whisper
    from the warm pillows
    "did you wake me

    to make you breakfast?"
    i might stutter
    in the back of my mind,

    but baby,
    i do love you
    no matter breakfast food, or not,

    yr skin
    tastes like

    manners of being

    murmurs & milk
    of coo & acoustic guitar / twanging
    on a tuesday licking cow udder
    'cause beyond the deepest moo

    is the slightest silence:
    a skull. skull into a pile
    of white dust in under-earth darkness
    where eternity is. out of sight.

    out of empirical law.
    molecules 4 billion years old.
    molten fire in the middle
    of all we know, of all we ever experience.

    center of fire.
    spinning. nobody ever wakes

    from mind-flower budded on a
    human stem -- the eyes
    like pistils
    of spider's sight:

    once a spider
    never an inorganic cell
    spinning around
    neptune. rare instances

    are the only moments
    with awareness
    further than
    cock or cunt,

    further than
    the spillages
    of words for
    words -- sloppy, human communication.

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     ron androla lives in erie, pennsylvania. he works steady 3rd shift in a factory as a custom molding press operator. he's been writing for 30-some years. maybe he's an alien.

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