
    things to touch. things untouched, unreachable. things touched but now beyond touching. this spring is strange. may was more cruel then april this time around. the richness has untimely chills in it. there is a bluebird hanging around my house that dive bombs my cats and makes a ceaseless racket. i don't know if i'm annoyed or pleased by a tenacity who's agenda remains unclear but not quite mysterious. this bird has odd ideas about it's place in the world i suspect. or am i projecting? i think about bush and hands and white houses and how the millennium passed without any great cataclysm or epiphany ... just another 100 years till we dream of doom or it's opposite. and yet within small moments there remains vast lands of milk and honey. it spills and we cry and occasionally whimper and i love all the sounds anyway.


    your nipple

    which you touched
    was the button
    on the time bomb
    of our mutual
    i pictured it
    dark and volcanic
    atop an ample curve
    and saw a great temple dome
    and heard a keening call to prayer
    and i slept
    feeling sacred and molten
    nourished and peacefully drained
    and hoping you will
    push that button
    again & again

    our discontent

    "finally the long winter
    of our masturbation ends"
    say i to fine pal as quip
    flinching with the doubt
    of what one pal ought say
    to thus same gendered pal
    within that flinch is memory
    of crossed swords gone awry
    pis streams passed as mock duel
    'tween sibling of same same gender
    but me over eager soaking leg
    a soggy faux pas of brothered shame
    quick this short shame i swallow
    with a smart pull off manly pint
    and a daring glance over the rim
    transmits testy defiance unhinting
    troubled gendersome whateverness
    which pal catches with subtle nod

    last sip slightly twirled ungirlish
    in the bottom of his stout glass
    pausing with well practiced indifference
    eyes of fellow bear scan bar then extends
    his foxy pause with a flowered downing
    of the last suckle of a beer's end
    then comes his deft pass
    to piss on my meager hope parade
    cold as a sword is sharp to dampen
    the promised hint of a spring unhaltering
    and it's a dog day afternoon in which
    he deathly mutters "now comes
    the long summer of our jerking off"

    our hands

    i can not count them all
    this flock of recollections circling
    in fluttering multitudes arcing and dully flashing
    through the dust of a bleached and barren library
    which is the dome of my memory and each wing
    is a finger drawn across an vacant chest
    weaving into the ribs of my aching
    where the softness of your palms
    feathers me forever

    click for larger view


nipple and daisies
nipple and daisies


catpaw lick
catpaw lick



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     My name is yrdog4now. Admittedly it is not what my father calls. Nor for that matter what my sons call me. Not only that, but what my sons call me is not what my father calls me. This may explain why I do not have a statue of dad on my lawn.

     Recently the plot got even thicker. I bugged my "dad" to send me my adoption papers. Now I know my name. It's Frank Drake. Not Art, Otis, Alex, dog, Cooper, or any of the other monikers I've gone by. Identity crisis? Nah. To whatever extent the idea of self isn't just a provisional illusion I remain "me". As for my identity as a poet, well, that too is entirely provisional. What's in a name anyway?

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