A “Mind” is a Terrible thing to Waste

    “A penis…
                  with a mind…
                                would be a terrible thing to waste”

    Before you laugh off this statement
    Use the brain in your other head for something
    besides taking up space.

    Men have been known to use the excuse
    That “my dick has a mind of it’s own”
    If that’s the case, women tend to debate,
    It never has a brain at home.

    A smart penis with a well tuned brain
    could really be quite beneficial
    But women of the world will tell you different
    It should be crucified and ordained an ornament superficial.

    Just think of sex education
    taking on a whole new meaning
    we would have Penile Professors teaching the “ins and outs”
    of the sexual experience and proper pleasing

    Think of the number of unwanted pregnancies
    that could be cut to incidence of rare inception
    Because the only penis not knowing about safe sex
    would be the ones that failed the course on contraception

    And the fear of contracting a life altering STD
    would almost be completely eliminated
    because the high number of graduates from the University of “P”ness
    would be sophisticated, stimulated, and educated

    Could you imagine a Dick with a high I.Q.
    that knew just what a woman wants and needs?
    Fake orgasms would be a myth of the past
    And multiple orgasms would “cum” with a guarantee

    A smart Dick could regulate and hold out
    to deliver gratifying stimulation
    and a woman would never have the disappointment
    of a dealing with premature ejaculation.

    Parents would have to say something new
    Instead of “if you had a brain, you’d take it out and play with it”
    A man with a smart dick would leave it where it is
    knowin’ proven results would make ya wanna’ stay with it.

    and don’t forget Dads old favorite stand by
    “If you had a brain you’d be dangerous!”
    Remember the man with an uneducated penis
    tends to cause more problems being overly spontaneous

    Just think how far the Scarecrow could have gone
    If he would’ve shared the wealth from his head
    He and Dorothy could rolled in his own stack of hay,
    or even the Wicked Witch’s Bed

                  I really could make Dorothy Scream
                               Instead of having all these wet dreams
                                             If my penis had brain…

                  Sex could be much sweeter
                               If I had a thinking Peter
                                             If my penis had a brain

    So women the next time your man uses the excuse
    That his dick has a “mind of it’s own”,
    Tell him he better invest in a proper education
    before he and his ignorant penis are disowned.

R.L. Stephenson
     R. L. Stephenson has been livin' with the cactus and horny toads for many years. It certainly has affected his views, not to mention the few dances with peyote doin' the same. Slingin' hash, or grub to most folks, being an accomplished Executive Chef has put the groceries in the fridge and a roof over his head. He is editor/publisher of Whoopeecat Press. His work appears on various websites. Accomplishments - chapbook: "Nola in the Streets" and "Howlin' Cat Blues" - 15 poem CD.

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