
    We sit at the cable spool table,
    rubber ashtray-
    Eyed, side by side,
    Spiders, sharing
    The usual hypocrisies,
    Notebooks opened, on fire,
    Facing the musicians

    Side by side, yes,
    But I can't even hear the song
    Over the ticking of her biological clock.
    And what does,
    'Let's try accentuating boardwalk
    Vendors for once' mean?

    Also, though she's dressed well --
    Orange pants,
    Spotted sp-sports bra --
    She missed the secret
    Windchimes message:
    It was, Cancel everything!

    So. Have that infant's dream,
    Shinny the blue thread
    I've strung across the Atlantic,
    For you,
    On the winch we got
    Inside a fortune balloon
    From your eyelash
    To my lightning-coloured limousine
    Parked alongside the sea,
    Stormy Brighton, in the
    Evening, in August,
    Over waves
    Higher than helicopters
    Or mad bugs
    Drumming my boutonniere.

    I'm on my elbows dear
    Bent like a lunchpail of whispers,
    Closer to praying
    Than down on my knees.

    They say
    They say they'll get on their knees
    If we get on our elbows.

    Silver Moonbeam

    I've fallen in love
    With a silver moonbeam again
    I said I wouldn't

    But then I get hopeless
    Peering down at the sidewalk
    In front of your building

    A silver moonbeam
    Makes a circle big enough
    For two to dance inside

    So the madwoman of Broadway
    And I can dance. She may be mad
    But she knows it's Saturday night.


Joe Mahoney - yoricknixon
     I am a software exec. and I do secret internet foo. I live near Boston, Massachusetts and spend a lot of time in San Francisco.
     I began writing poetry a few years ago in a brave but ultimately feckless attempt to stave off a canonical entrapment breakdown.
     I sometimes write with a pseudonym: Yorick_Nixon. I also write music and play musical instruments. I was a member of Boston noise band Inner Beauty and San Francisco improv combo Senator Buchanon. With the members of Inner Beauty I co-authored a pre-web internet published dystopic novel entitled "Skunk Angst".
     Any spare time I have I read Shakespeare or listen to Bach. Bach seems to be the one thing all nerds agree on. I've lost touch with my culture. Though my friend Janet has turned me onto Cat Power. My only firmly held cultural belief is that Chan Marshall of Cat Power is kind of a babe.


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